Journal of the Indian institute of architects (JIIA)

Authors - Guidelines


An abstract is a brief but comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. It is an essential part of your paper which enables the reader to understand its subject. The abstract need to follow the same chronology of information as the main paper. Indicates what methodology you have used for your results and how you are concluding these results. Do not make any paragraphs here. Do not use any bold letters here. Use sentence case. Do not use unnecessary capitalization. No citations should be included in the abstract. Your abstract should range from 150 – 200 words. Use Calibri font, size 12, line Spacing: single.

Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are welcome to send the original and unpublished essays, interviews, articles (1500- 2500 words) and book reviews (600 and 750 words) in the areas of architecture, planning, urbanism, pedagogy, heritage, technology, ecology, theory and criticism, visual design, practice or any other relevant subject pertaining to the built environment for publication to

For a design project, please include the “Fact File” with the following details : Project Name, Location, Plot area, Total built up, Structural consultants, Project completion. Also please give the photo captions and credits. Please ensure that the image is referred to within the text. For eg, “As seen in Figure 1…”. This is essential for the layout. For design projects, plans and sections of the project are desirable along with the photographs.

Submission of an article will imply that it is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication by any other journal. If the paper is accepted, the author will assign copyrights to the Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects (JIIA). Contributors are solely responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material (including illustrations) for which they do not hold copyright. All sources will credited by citations in the article.

In no case will JIIA or any of the members of its Editorial board be held responsible for any issues arising thereof.
The submissions will be emailed as attachments with the following FOUR components:i) MS Word file of only text of the article, including numbered captions for illustrations and tables. This file should NOT contain any images. All tables here should be editable text and not as images. Also include the biographies of the authors (maxm. 500 words for each author).
ii) Folder of numbered jpegs of all images (of at least 300 dpi), along with a word document with numbered captions corresponding with the jpegs.
iii) PDF of the entire paper showing intended layout showing all illustrations and tables with respective captions.
Book reviews should be only of books by Indian authors. please include the “Fact File” with the following details : book title, author name, publisher, year of publication, ISBN, language the book is written in, genre (technical/ fiction/ etc.), no of pages, dimensions (in cm), type (Kindle / paperback/ hardback), available at ( others).
For sketches and photo-essays, along with sketches and photo-essays, please send a 50-word write-up about yourself and a 200-words write-up regarding the sketches (please confirm that the sketches are all hand-done work by yourself.)

Length, style and format

The length of papers should not exceed 2000 -3000 words. The paper must be written in English.
The language of the paper should be clear, concise and without unnecessary adjectives or repetitions. Unnecessary capitalizations should be avoided. It should only be used as is required grammatically at the start of sentences and for proper nouns. Do not use any bold lettering except for titles and sub-titles. Italics may be used for sub-section titles (refer to the template) and for words in languages other than English. Please ensure that the meanings of these words is made clear in the text or stated within brackets.
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text
You are strongly advised NOT to format the MS Word document in any way as they will be formatted while making the page layout for the JIIA issue. In case your submission has any such format, it may NOT be considered for publication.
Note: The paper must follow the structure:

1. Introduction

2. Methodology, case-studies and derivations thereof

3. Results/Findings

4. Discussion

5. Conclusions & Recommendations

Referencing in MS Word

Authors should use the APA style under the “References” tab of MS Word to cite their sources. This will also help the Editorial team n proofreading. DO not “convert” to text while submitting.

Illustrations and Tables

It is essential that the illustrations are and tables are :
i) Numbered sequentially in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
ii) It is compulsory to refer to all the illustrations and tables by their number in the text of the paper.
iii) The caption for the illustrations should be below the Illustration
iv) The caption for the tables should be above the Illustration
v) The caption should follow this format: figure no., nomenclature of object/ building, location, date, description (if required) and source.
Example of caption for illustrations:
1) Figure 1 : Plan and section of the Kandariya Mahadeo temple, Khajuraho
(Source : Adapted from “Temples of Khajuraho“ by K.M.Suresh, fig. 3a, p.25)
2) Figure 2 : Kandariya Mahadeo temple, Khajuraho
(Photo courtesy : Rajenddra Sharma, 2012)
Example of caption for tables:
3) Table 1 : Demographics of people going to public places at Lucknow
(Source : Survey by Author)
4) Table 2 : A comparison of the heights of tall buildings of the world
(Source : accessed in June, 2020)
Please note : Tables are to be submitted as editable text and not as images.
5. Procedure for Publication
The primary decision for inclusion will be made by the Editor of JIIA. The submitted articles may be accepted without revisions, or subject to revisions as suggested. Papers may be rejected on the basis of relevance or content.
Accepting an article for publication in the journal means that copyrights are granted to JIIA by the individual author(s). However, viewpoints and responsibilities of opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author. All contributors will sign a copyright permission form stating that they have granted JIIA the rights and permission to reproduce, distribute, publicly display the submitted article in the published issue and by electronic medium on their website
Further, it is important that along with the manuscript, we receive an undertaking from you that the stated architect/ architectural firm is the author of the architectural projects mentioned in the article, and that IIA and JIIA is in no way responsible for any matter or dispute arising out of the publication of the same.