About the Journal
The Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects is a national, peer reviewed, open access journal on studies related to architecture, urbanism and planning published monthly both in print & online by the Indian Institute of Architects.
It aims to provide a platform to publish articles by academicians, practitioners & researchers and follows a rigorous peer review process along with strict ethical policies & standards to ensure high quality scholarly publication in the field of architecture.
Original articles are welcome from all areas of architectural research, including humanities, social sciences and engineering.
The journal seeks to advance empirical knowledge & theoretical understanding of architecture and architectural design especially in view of global challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanization, volatile economies, emerging and disruptive technology, and societal shifts.
In addition to standard peer reviewed articles, the Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects publishes book reviews, travelogues, critical commentaries, project reviews and interviews of stalwarts in the field.
Editorial Team

Ar. Lalichan Zacharias
Editor in Chief
Ar. Gita Balakrishnan

Ar. Manguesh R. Prabhugaonker

Ar. Mukul Goyal

Ar. Brijesh Saijal

Dr. Shilpa Sharma

Dr. Pratheek Sudhakaran

Ar. Tushar Sogani
Board of Reviewers

Prof. Jitendra Singh

Prof. Chandrashekar

Prof. Parag Narkhede

Prof. Abir Bandyopadhyay

Prof. Vinit Mirkar

Prof. Rema Subrahmanian